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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Welcome Baby Englund #3!!!! It's a Boy!!

He's here!!!!! He arrived on 9/09 at 11:33 am!! Little C is now officially M' C, there is a new Little C!:0) Little C weighed 8 lbs 1 oz, and is 19 in long, and was discharged at 7 lbs 10 oz. The labor went GREAT, I was not happy that I had to be induced but it could not have gone better! I had tons of contractions the day/night before but sadly they did not do anything:0(! I went in dilated to almost 4 and was about 80% effaced. I arrived at about 7:30 am that morning, and they started the pitocin at about 8:30 am. Anyone that has been induced knows that it takes a little bit for it to get into your system and start working. Thankfully it did not take that long and my labor started at 9am and 2 1/2 hours lated Little C was born! I was VERY happy that I only pushed for 13 min-Yea!! Thanks to all who prayed for a safe and healthy delivery, I was able to do it naturally and was VERY thankful! He is so sweet, hope you enjoy the pics!:0)

Dilated to 8-Yea, almost done!!

He's here, blonde hair and all!!

Yep, that's relief!!:0)

Such a sweet baby!

Life is good!:0)

He has been VERY alert!!

Grandpa and Grandma W!!
The fam!!
Our boyz!!:0)
He is a VERY proud brother, and was so happy because he wanted a boy!:0)
Deep in thought- hmm, will he be taking my toys!?;0)
Time to go home!

Tuckered out!!
I love his little cheeks!
We're home!! M'C was so excited we were home!! Too cute!
Too sweet!!

We're gonna be great friends!!

Checkin' out the world!:0) He has a little rash but thankfully it is starting to go away!